Save time and money by claiming your exam credits!

College is expensive. 我们的招生专家与您一起工作,确保您在参加菲律宾十大彩票平台学院之前所参加的考试或学习经历中获得所有可能的学分. 寻求标准化考试学分的学生必须向招生团队提交正式的考试成绩. See below for test score standards. Accepted tests include:

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Advanced Placement (AP)
International Baccalaureate (IB)

Advanced Placement (AP)

如果学生在适当的AP考试中取得至少3分或以上的成绩,并且入学服务办公室已经收到正式的成绩单,那么菲律宾十大彩票平台学院通常会接受大学理事会的大学先修课程(AP)考试来转学分. 有些课程可能需要最低4分才能获得AP学分. 请联系招生服务办公室了解最新信息.

Advanced Placement (AP)
AP Course Description MT Tech Equivalent Min. Score # Credits Received
AB Calculus M 142 or M 171 3 3
AB Calculus SUB M 142 or M 171 3 3
BC Calculus M 171 3 3
BC Calculus M 171 & M 172 5 3,3
Biology BIOB 160/161 3 4
Chemistry CHMY 141 & CHMY 143 4 3,3
Chemistry CHMY 141 3 3
Computer Science A CSCI 135 3 3
Computer Science AB CSCI 135 & CSCI 136 4 3,3
Computer Science Prin. CSCI 102 3 3
English (Literature) WRIT 101 & LIT 126 3 3,3
English (Language) WRIT 101 3 3
Environmental Science BIOE 185 3 3
European History HSTR 102 3 3
French FRCH 101 & FRCH 102 3 5,5
German GRMN 101 & GRMN 102 3 5,5
History (World) HSTR 101 3 3
Human Geography GPHY 121 3 3
Macroeconomics ECNS 202 3 3
Microeconomics ECNS 201 3 3
Physics 1 PHSX 121 3 4
Physics 2 PHSX 123 3 4
AP Physics C: Mechanics PHSX 234 3 3
AP Physics C: Elect.&Mag PHSX 237 3 3
Psychology PSYX 100 3 3
Spanish SPNS 101 & SPNS 102 3 3,3
Statistics STAT 216 3 3
U.S. History HSTA 101 & HSTA 102 3 3,3
U.S. Govt. & Politics PSCI 210 3 3

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院将接受CLEP计划下的大多数科目考试作为转学分. CLEP一般考试成绩不被计入学分. 请看下面的CLEP科目考试的可接受的分数.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
CLEP Examination Score Montana Tech Equivalency Minimum Required Score
Composition and Literature
American Literature LIT 210 - American Literature I 50
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 文学112或文学126 -小说/诗歌和戏剧入门 50
College Composition WRIT 101 - College Writing I 50
College Composition Modular WRIT 101 - College Writing I 50
English Literature LIT 223 - British Literature 50
Humanities No Equivalent
Foreign Languages
French Language FRCH 101 - Elementary French I 50
German Language GRMN 101 - Elementary German I 50
Spanish Language SPNS 101 - Elementary Spanish I 50
History and Social Sciences
American Government No Equivalent
美国历史1:1877年之前的早期殖民 HSTA 101 - American History I 50
History of the United States II: 1865 to the Present HSTA 102 - American History II 50
Human Growth and Development PSYX 230 - Developmental Psychology 65
Introduction to Educational Psychology No Equivalent
Principles of Macroeconomics ECNS 202 - Principles of Macroeconomics 50
Principles of Microeconomics ECNS 201 - Principles of Microeconomics 50
Introductory Psychology PSYX 100 - Introduction to Psychology 50
Introductory Sociology SOCI 101 - Introduction to Sociology 50
Social Sciences and History No Equivalent
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 Humanities Elective 50
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present Humanities Elective 50
Science and Math
Biology BIOB 101 - Discover Biology 50
Calculus M 171 - Calculus I 50
Chemistry No Equivalent - See Chemistry Department
College Algebra M 121 - College Algebra 50
College Mathematics No Equivalent
Natural Sciences Natural Science Elective 50
Precalculus M 151 - Precalculus 50
Financial Accounting ACTG 201 - Principles of Financial Accounting 50
Information Systems and Computer Applications BMIS 311 - Management Information Systems 50
Introductory Business Law BGEN 235W - Business Law I 50
Principles of Management BGMT 335 W - Management and Organization 50
Principles of Marketing BMKT - Principles of Marketing 50

International Baccalaureate (IB)

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院将接受高级(HL)国际文凭(IB)作为转学分。, a college preparatory program. 学生将被要求提交他们的官方lB成绩单副本.

International Baccalaureate (IB)
IB Exam Credits Course Equivalents
Biology: score of 4 or higher 4 BIOB 160/161
Business Management: score of 4 or higher 3 BGEN 105
Chemistry: score of 4 or higher 3 CHMY 121
Computer Science: score of 4 or higher 3 CSCI 102
Dance: score of 4 or higher 3 Free Elective
Design Technology: score of 4 or higher 3 Free Elective
Economics: score of 5 or higher 3 ECNS 203
Film: score of 4 or higher 3 FILM 103
Geography: score of 4 or higher 3 Free Elective
Global Politics: score of 4 or higher 3 PSCI 230
History: score of 4 or higher 3 Humanities Elective
全球社会中的信息技术:4分或以上 3 Social Science Elective
语言A文学(含英语):成绩4分或以上 3 LIT 110
Language A Lang & Literature (including English): score of 4 or higher 6 WRIT 101 & LIT 110
Language B (French): Score of 4-5 3 FRCH 101
Language B (French): Score of 6-7 6 FRCH 101 & FRCH 102
Language B (Spanish): Score of 4-5 3 SPNS 101
Language B (Spanish): Score of 6-7 6 SPNS 101 & 102
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches: Score of 4-5 3 M 171
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches: Score of 6-7 6 M 171 and M 172
数学:应用与解释:4分或以上 6 M 142 and STAT 216
Music: score of 4 or higher 3 Humanities Elective
Philosophy: score of 4 or higher 3 Humanities Elective
Physics: score of 4 or higher 3 Science Elective
Psychology: score of 4 or higher 3 PSYX 100
Social & Cultural Anthropology: score of 4 or higher 3 Social Science Elective
Sport, Exercise, & Health Science: score of 4 or higher 3 Free Elective
Theatre: score of 4 or higher 3 Free Elective
Visual Arts: score of 4 or higher 3 Free Elective
World Religions: score of 4 or higher 3 Humanities Elective

DSST and Military Transcripts 

At Montana Tech, we love veterans, 并努力帮助他们从以前为国家服务的经历中获得尽可能多的荣誉. 将您的联合服务成绩单或DSST考试成绩发送给我们. 军事训练和教育是由美国教育委员会(ACE)评估大学学分的.  空军学生还应提供其地区认可的空军社区学院(CCAF或空军大学)成绩单.  所有经过评估的军事训练和教育学分建议都将由院校进行审查,以根据学生的学术目标授予特定学位和证书要求的适用学分.


我们鼓励学生提交UExcel成绩单,以便对每门课程进行评估. Please contact Enrollment Services for an evaluation.

Other methods 

To learn more about other methods of earning credit, including challenge exams or credit by portfolio, click here. 

Where do I send my transcripts and test scores? 

正式成绩单可以用密封的信封从考试机构邮寄到 1300 West Park Street, Butte, MT, 59701. 如果你有非正式的成绩单,你想要评估, email the admissions office with your request, or schedule a visit. 

Connect with us!


Admissions Office
(406) 496-4791