Jacob Huston雅各布·休斯顿,总统

Major: Biochemistry
Year: Senior
Hometown: 勒阿弗尔、蒙大拿
Email: jhuston@z-buy.net

雅各布在蒙大拿州的Havre出生并长大. 他是菲律宾十大彩票平台学院大四学生,攻读生物化学学位, 并立志毕业后就读药学院. 他喜欢和他的朋友、家人和狗在户外度过时光. Jacob joined the ASMT Executive team to help create an authentic and vulnerable environment in hopes to allow all students to succeed.


Major: Biochemistry
Year: Senior
Hometown: 带、蒙大拿
Email: asmt.vicepresident@z-buy.net

谢尔比在蒙大拿的贝尔特长大,就在小贝尔特山脉下面. She is currently in her senior year of undergraduate studies and will be earning her bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry this spring! She plans on attending graduate school to further her education after college. 谢尔比喜欢看《菲律宾十大彩票平台》、《菲律宾十大彩票平台》和《菲律宾十大彩票平台》. 她还喜欢跆拳道、跑步和徒步旅行. Shelby joined ASMT in an effort to strengthen the connection between students and faculty, 创造一个所有学生都能成功的环境.


Major: 运动与健康科学
Year: Senior
Hometown: 纳舒厄、蒙大拿
Email: ssibley@z-buy.net

索耶在蒙大拿州东北部纳舒厄镇外的一个农场长大. A senior, Sawyer plans to graduate this year with a bachelor's in 运动与健康科学 and a Biology minor before pursuing a degree in School Psychology. In his spare time, he focuses on his hobbies including basketball, kickboxing, and kayaking. As treasurer, Sawyer wants to keep up all the traditions and events that make Montana Tech the great school that it is.


Maria BurkeMaria Burke

Major: 土木工程
Year: Junior
Hometown: 惠蒂尔,阿拉斯加
Email: mburke1@z-buy.net

Maria grew up in the Philippines and moved to Alaska when she was 9 years old. She attended college for a year at the University of Alaska Fairbanks before recently transferring to Montana Tech to continue pursuing her degree in 土木工程. 她喜欢滑雪、弹吉他和在空闲时间徒步旅行. Maria joined the ASMT Senate in order to get involved in campus and student life. She understands that college can be difficult for people and wants to provide students a way to have fun and to become successful.

Quin CostinQuin Costin

Major: 机械工程
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Billings, MT 
Email: qcostin@z-buy.net

奎因出生并成长在蒙大拿州的比林斯. He is currently a sophomore in 机械工程 and thoroughly enjoys his studies. 奎恩喜欢和朋友出去玩,去健身房,保持活跃. One of the reasons he joined the senate was to ensure the student voice was heard and to provide a great experience for all

Quinten CoxQuinn Cox

Major: 软件工程 
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Soldotna,阿拉斯加 
Email: qcox@z-buy.net

奎因是土生土长的阿拉斯加人. 作为一名主修软件工程的大二学生, Quinn希望毕业后能在UX网站设计方面找到一份工作. 他是个滑雪爱好者,喜欢冬天. Quinn became a senator to help Montana Tech students to have the best time and be as successful as possible.


Major: 机械工程
Year: Junior
Hometown: 加德纳、蒙大拿
Email: eguengerich@z-buy.net

Evan was born and raised in Gardiner, MT the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park. 他是菲律宾十大彩票平台学院攻读机械工程学位的新生. Some of his hobbies include mountain biking, working on cars, and listening to loud music. 埃文很高兴来到菲律宾十大彩票平台大学. 他喜欢大山、校园和这两者之间的一切. He is excited to be in ASMT so that he can actively help the college community and make it a better place for everyone.


Major: 采矿工程 & 环境工程
Year: Freshman
Hometown: 格拉夫顿,西弗吉尼亚州
Email: jniggemyer@z-buy.net

Jordan was born and raised in the heart of Appalachia prior to moving to Butte, 去蒙大拿学习采矿和环境工程. She wishes to work in the field of mine and resource reclamation after her college career. She enjoys kayaking, spontaneous adventures, and trying new foods with her friends. Jordan chose to involve herself in ASMT in hopes to provide a safe and fun college lifestyle for all current and future Tech students to flourish beyond expectation.



Major: M.S. 机械工程
Year: 2nd Year
Hometown: Big Sandy, MT
Email: lbahnmiller@z-buy.net

莱顿在蒙大拿州的大桑迪出生并长大. He received his under grad in 机械工程 from Montana Tech and is pursuing a Master of Science in 机械工程 focusing on additive manufacturing for his thesis. 莱顿喜欢和朋友出去玩,喜欢解决问题. One of the reasons he joined Tech was to support the student body and ensure that student’s voices are heard and communicated effectively to administration.


Andrew Larson

Major: 建设Technology-Carpentry
Year: Senior
Hometown: Ennis, MT
Email: alarson@z-buy.net

Andy Was born and raised Sandy, Utah and moved to Ennis, Montana summer of 2022. He is a Senior in the construction and carpentry program, graduating with his associates this spring. He plans to continue and take two more years of business for a full BAS degree. When he's not at school he enjoys being outside hiking, camping, and exploring the areas around Tech. Andy really enjoys the students at Montana Tech and believes the culture here is different than any other school. 他很高兴能代表高地学院参加ASMT.