

Congratulations, future Orediggers! You have a bright future ahead of you at Montana Tech. 我们想确保你顺利地过渡到校园.

您的个人URL (PURL)可以是您获取注册信息的主要来源, 事件注册, 以及其他相关资源. If you don't have your PURL address, just visit http://iam.z-buy.net/login/ 并使用您申请入学时的电子邮件地址登录. The system will then redirect you to your PURL. If you forgot your password, select the "Send me a new password.或与您的 招生代表 寻求帮助.

下面, there is information on applying for housing, 注册课程, 取向, and online digital resources for students.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your 招生代表或 招生办公室. 我们是来帮忙的!

Incoming Undergraduate Procedures

所有21岁以下的一年级学生都被要求住在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的第一年宿舍里. 如果空间允许,所有其他学生都被邀请住在宿舍. 住在校园里可以帮助你与校园社区建立更紧密的联系,并改善你的学术经历. 有三个大厅,有各种房间可供选择. 住房 is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. 如果您想要一个特定的大厅或单人间,请尽早申请. 6月1日前收到的申请将优先考虑.

You can find the housing application on your Personal URL website, the same site where you applied for admission. 有关每个宿舍,住房费用,膳食计划选择以及如何申请的详细信息, visit the Residence Life pages

新入学学生的班级注册在秋季/夏季学期的5月或春季学期的11月开放,并一直开放到上课前的星期五. Follow the steps below to complete the registration process.

  1. 查看你的录取文件!

    注册课程, 我们必须有官方的考试成绩(ACT或SAT)和两剂MMR(麻疹)的记录, 流行性腮腺炎, Rubella) vaccination on file in admissions. If either of these items are missing from your admission file, you are not yet eligible to register for classes. 在您的个人URL/个性化菲律宾十大彩票平台大学网站上查看您的入学清单,并尽快提交任何剩余的项目.

    没有ACT或SAT成绩? 如果你没有分数,你可以参加菲律宾十大彩票平台大学的分班考试. 访问我们的 测试中心页面 了解测试选项.
  2. 获得注册!

    Are you ready to register for your classes? 我们随时准备提供帮助! Navigate to the "获得注册 for Classes!" link on your PURL, or contact the 招生办公室 at 406-496-4791 or admissions@z-buy.net. We will verify your admissions file is complete, 如果是这样的话, send your information to your academic advisor for registration. 

    如果你已经有了秋季的课程表,需要和你的指导老师讨论一下, you may reach out directly using the contact information below:


定向是过渡到大学生活的一个令人兴奋的部分,是成为菲律宾十大彩票平台大学的一个重要组成部分. 计划在课程开始前一周到达校园,探索学术, 文化, and social opportunities on campus and within the 孤峰 community!

Montana Tech is committed to student success. All new students are required to attend 取向.

访问入学介绍页面 了解更多信息.

作为一名被录取的学生,你现在可以进入菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的校园门户, MyMTech. Through MyMTech you can access:

  • Moodle

    Moodle是菲律宾十大彩票平台大学基于网络的学习环境和课程管理工具. 它的目的是通过提供方便的课程材料来提高教与学, 随堂作业, 测试和测验, 还有虚拟教室.

  • 蒙大拿科技电子邮件

    您指定的菲律宾十大彩票平台大学电子邮件帐户将是您与学校沟通的官方来源,也是了解校园活动的好方法. 您有责任维护并回复通过此帐户发送给您的所有通知.

  • OrediggerWeb

    OrediggerWeb is your official student record at Montana Tech. Use it to review and accept your financial aid, update your contact information, 打印你的课程表, 观看并支付账单.

  • Retrieve Your Campus Username and Password

    你的校园证书可以让你访问任何需要用户认证的在线资源, including any campus-based computer. 要检索您的:

    1. 访问 z-buy.net/pw.
    2. 输入你的学生证号码和姓(你的学生证号码以799开头,并在录取通知书的背面注明). You may also contact 招生 at admissions@z-buy.net or 406-496-4791 for that information).
    3. Create a security question and verify your date of birth.

如果您需要任何这些资源或访问您的用户名和密码的帮助, 联系I.T. (Information Technology Services) Helpdesk at 406-496-4244,通过电子邮件 ithelpdesk@z-buy.net,或浏览 他们的网站.

Montana Tech campus on a spring day

A visit to Montana Tech's campus echoes our student experience - personal, 有关, 而且完全值得付出努力. Tour our campus with a current student, meet with faculty in your area of interest, and get all those burning questions answered.


欢迎来到历史悠久的比尤特,它位于大陆分水岭上北落基山脉的中心. 方便远足, 骑自行车, 攀爬, 野营, 狩猎, 钓鱼, 史诗般的下坡, 越野, and cross-country skiing is all around us.

An aerial view of Montana Tech campus

Can't make it to campus for an in-person visit? Get a high-resolution bird's eye view of Montana Tech's campus, explore some residence hall rooms, 看看我们的高科技实验室, and more - all from the comfort of your sofa.

援助 & 奖学金



我们是来帮忙的. We will guide you on your campus visit, through the application process, right up until you take your first class.


Use our 成本计算器 to get an estimate of your tuition, 费用, 食宿, 以及其他出席费用.


家长和监护人,我们欢迎您参与您的学生的旅程! Learn more about admissions, financial aid, housing, etc.

美联社/ CLEP / IB信贷

Are you curious how your AP/CLEP/IB Credit might transfer? We perform transfer credit evaluations by request.


Are you interested in being an Oredigger athlete? You will want to get in touch with the athletics department.


We can answer your questions and help you get started.

(406) 496-4791