Students, 教师 and 校友 at the PNWIS Conference
Students, 教师 and 校友 at the PNWIS Conference


Send new information and email addresses to:
Environmental 工程 部门
巴特,MT 59701
电子邮件: 部门


We are currently recruiting members to our Advisory Board. If you are interested in being an active member on the 蒙大拿技术 Environmental 工程 校友 Committee (MTEEAC) please send an email of interest to the Environmental 工程 部门.

帮助我们的设计团队 WERC's Environmental Design Contest 每年. We are looking for company sponsors to assist with travel expenditures to send our renowned 蒙大拿技术 design teams to competition in Las Cruces, 新墨西哥. Remember our 蒙大拿技术 design teams have placed every year since it began competing and Tech has the reputation as being the team to beat!!

Remember to give to the Environmental 工程 Scholarship Fund. Your generous donations have been truly instrumental in recruiting new students to the program and retaining top of the line students through graduation. We sincerely appreciate your continued support.

Donations can be sent to the following address:

Environmental 设计团队 Competition Fund or
Environmental 工程 Scholarship Fund or
Waring/James/Appleman Excellence in Environmental 工程 Scholarship


We have lost contact with the following alumni. 如果你知道他们的下落, please forward their information to the above address or contact them and have them forward their address, 电话, email and business information so that we can forward newsletters and pertinent information.